:lang nim
Python + lisp at the speed of c
1. Description
This module adds Nim support to Emacs.
- Code completion (nimsuggest + company)
- Syntax checking (nimsuggest + flycheck)
- Babel support (
1.1. Maintainers
This module has no dedicated maintainers. Become a maintainer?
1.2. Module flags
This module has no flags.
1.3. Packages
1.4. TODO Hacks
No hacks documented for this module.
2. Prerequisites
(for building & evaluation)nimsuggest
(for code completion, syntax checking & jump-to-definition functionality)
2.1. Nim
choosenim is an installer and version manager for the Nim programming language. You can install the latest stable release of Nim by running the following in your terminal and following the onscreen instructions:
Alternatively, nim is usually available through your OS’s package manager:
3. TODO Usage
This module has no usage documentation yet. Write some?
4. TODO Configuration
This module has no configuration documentation yet. Write some?
5. Troubleshooting
There are no known problems with this module. Report one?
6. TODO Appendix
This module has no appendix yet. Write one?