
If you’ve seen one lisp, you’ve seen them all

1. Description

This module provides support for Common Lisp and the Sly development environment. Common Lisp is not a single language but a specification, with many competing compiler implementations. By default, Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is assumed to be installed, but this can be configured.

Common Lisp benefits from a mature specification and rich standard library. Thanks to its powerful REPL and debugger, it boasts an “interactive programming” style often unseen in other languages. Compiled Common Lisp programs are trusted to run unmodified for a long time.

1.1. Maintainers

This module has no dedicated maintainers. Become a maintainer?

1.2. Module Flags

This module has no flags.

1.4. Hacks

No hacks documented for this module.

2. Prerequisites

This module requires the SBCL compiler to be installed.

3. Usage

This module does not integrate with the lsp module. Sly (and SLIME before it) is considered the defacto development environment for Common Lisp and provides much of what is normally expected of an LSP, plus tight integration with the REPL and Emacs.

3.1. Sly

Using this module is mostly a matter of using Sly. Please consider reading through the Sly Tour.

A Sly session will be started when you open a .lisp file. Use SPC m ' to switch to the REPL minibuffer.

3.2. org-mode

This module also enables the evaluation of lisp source blocks in Org Mode. However, you will need a running Sly session for this to work. M-x sly starts such a session if you didn’t have one open already.

4. Configuration

If you don’t want Sly to use SBCL, you can configure the variable inferior-lisp-program to some other binary on your PATH.

5. Troubleshooting

There are no known problems with this module. Report one?

6. TODO Appendix

This module has no appendix yet. Write one?